Shackleton and Scott's Huts

Shackleton's Cape Royd Hut

Shackleton's Cape Royd Hut

Just over a year ago I posted about a magnificent 360 degree view tour of Mawson's Hut at Cape Denison and just recently I came across a site with full interior views of Shackelton's base at Cape Royds and Scott's base at Cape Evans.

Shackelton's hut was erected in 1908 at Cape Royds, Antarctica; this is where he and nine of his men were left to winter before commencing their push for the pole. Unfortunately Shackleton was forced to turn back with just 97 miles to go, but he did travel further south than anyone before and he was was the first to summit the polar plateau. Other members of his expedition accomplished similar magnificent feats by being first to successfully climb Mount Erubus and also the first to reach the Magnetic South Pole.

Cape Royds Interior

Cape Royds Interior

You can navigate around the hut here. Someone once told me there were boxes of Kendel Mint Cake on the shelves somewhere within the hut but no matter how hard I look I haven't found them - let me know if you do.

Scott's Cape Evans Hut is in fact his second property on the antarctic, the first being Discovery Hut on Ross Island from the 1901 Discovery Expedition. The Cape Evans hut was constructed in 1911 as part of the Terra Nova Expedition where Scott set off from on his ill-fated journey to the pole. Cape Evans was named after Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell"Teddy" Evans, Scott's second in Command. He chose this location in the hopes that it would not ice over like the Discovery Hut, enabling his ship to come and go more reliably.

Scott's Cape Evans Hut

Scott's Cape Evans Hut

You can navigate through Scott's Cape Evans hut here. I'm not sure if it's just the sentimentality that comes with knowing the outcome of these huts, or something in the way that they we're photographed, but there seems an unmistakable somberness to Scott's Cape Evan's hut - a sadness that doesn't come through in Shackleton's. These huts are magnificently preserved thanks largely to the efforts of the United Kingdom and New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trusts they are both incredibly moving time capsules from the Golden Age of Exploration.

Safe Travels

Christmas Day in the Antarctic Circle - B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Expedition 1929-31 Frank Hurley

Christmas Day in the Antarctic Circle - B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Expedition 1929-31 Frank Hurley

Thanks to everyone for reading this year. We've had a blast over here at the VHD. Hope everyone enjoys the festive season and everyone can get some time on a trail or in the outdoors somewhere. Thanks again for reading, there's much more to come in the New Year.

This magnificent picture is from the Australian National Archives it was taken by the great Frank Hurley during one of the British, Australian, New Zealand Antarctic Research Expeditions led by non other than Douglas Mawson. It looks to be onboard the RSS Discovery. I love the Yalumba wine (or more likely port) on the tables.

Posted on December 23, 2012 and filed under VHD.

Tea Chronicles Pt.10 – Calvin Rutstrum

The New Way of the Wilderness

The New Way of the Wilderness

This tea quotation comes from the "The New Way of the Wilderness" written by Calvin Rutstrum in 1958. Rutstrum is a "wilderness voyager" - a man who spent most of his life in the wilderness. Like lots of outdoorsmen Rustrum is a coffee fan but in the wilderness tea wins out...

Despite the fact that I am a coffee drinker, in the woods I prefer tea. This is common with many coffee drinkers. Tea is easier on the digestion and is a quick bracer. Coffee, of course, has no equal for breakfast. Caffeine-free coffees have been much improved in flavor, and come in all forms. Both regular coffee and the “instant” should be carried in air-tight or friction top cans.

Tea can be had in “instant” and tablet form, and in tea bags, but my choice is bulk tea.
— Calvin Rutstrum - The New Way of the Wilderness, 1958

He then goes on to pragmatically describe how he makes his tea in the bush.

Into a pail of boiling water add tea according to strength desired; one level teaspoon of tea to one quart of boiling water makes mild tea. Do not boil tea. remove it from the fire at once. Let it steep 5 minutes.

Drop tea bag into a cup pour on boiling water and take out the tea bag when the color tells you the tea is the desired strength if lemon is desired in tea, add a pinch of lemon powder.
— Calvin Rutstrum

"The New Way of the Wilderness" is a classic read; there will be more to come from within its pages.

Posted on December 17, 2012 and filed under Tea.

Vintage Mountain Club Logos

Adirondack Mountain Club

Adirondack Mountain Club

The Alpine Club of Canada

The Alpine Club of Canada

The American Alpine Club

The American Alpine Club

Appalachian Mountain Club

Appalachian Mountain Club

The Colorado Mountain Club

The Colorado Mountain Club



I have been attempting to round up some old mountain club logos and I thought it might be interesting to compare the current marks with their earlier incarnations. I love every one of these. If there are any more vintage club logos out there that should be included please let me know; this may well end up as part 1. I'd particularly love to get my hands on some European, Asian or Russian marks.

Camp Trails 1977 Gear List

Camp Trails Packing List

Camp Trails Packing List

I came across this gem in the 1977 Explorers Ltd. Source Book. Camp Trails was founded in 1943 by Jack C. Abert, frustrated with the carrying systems of the day he went about designing a pack that was both light weight and comfortable. Camp Trails was born, and went from strength to strength expanding its offering beyond just packs. Although Camp Trails has been bought a few times the name still lives on.

Maps Firepermit Fishing license Note Book Pencil Hunting License Identification - Medical allergies & restrictions Plastic Bowl Plastic of Sierra Cup Pot Tongs Table Spoon Waterproof Matches Sunglasses Lunch & Trail Snacks Quart Canteens (2) Cook Kit Backpackers Grill Stove (if needed) Food bags Extra bags GI Can openner Rubber bands Condiment Kit - Sugar, milk, coffee, tea, powdered juice, cooking oil, salt & pepper Toilet Kit - Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap (hotel size), paper towels, toilet paper Scouring Pad Flash Light - Spare bulb & batterys Airmatress and Repair Kit, or Foam Pad Tarp and Ground Cloth, or Tent, or Tube Tent 30ft. Nylon Cord Underwear & Socks bandanas (2) Wind Breaker Jacket Stocking Cap Rainwear First aid kit Sunburn Ointment Repellent Chapstick Whistle Matches in a Waterproof Case Candle 2 Dimes Needles & Thread Signal Mirror Safety Pins Water purification

Carried on Person Knife Compass Waterproof Matches
— Explorers Ltd. Source Book, 1977
Posted on December 2, 2012 and filed under Gear List.

White Vinyl Design

Light Pillars by Luke Twyman

Light Pillars by Luke Twyman

I just stumbled on this exquisite set of illustrations by Luke Twyman at White Vinyl Design.

Sun Dog by Luke Twyman

Sun Dog by Luke Twyman

These are just magical. I love the isolation, the contrast between hard cold edges and the loose freehanded brushstrokes.

Glacial Milk by Luke Twyman

Glacial Milk by Luke Twyman

Fantastic stuff, Luke has some real talent and he's a smashing bloke too. You can see his whole portfolio here.

Posted on November 25, 2012 and filed under Art.

Tips from the Archive #006

John "Lofty" Wiseman - SAS Survival Guide, 1986 

John "Lofty" Wiseman - SAS Survival Guide, 1986 

This is from one of my all time favorite books, The SAS Survival Guide by John "Lofty" Wiseman. I got my hands  on a copy when I was about 10 and read it cover to cover many times. I even made my own SAS survival kit based on Lofty's instructions. This book is full of useful stuff. Wiseman is the real deal he served with the Regiment for 26 years. He was "Sergeant Major, B Squadron (Sabre Sqn) 22 SAS, Sergeant Major 22 SAS Training Wing, Head of Operational Research 22 SAS, set up the SP Team (Counter Hi-Jack), he set up the SAS Counter-Terrorist Team and trained the first members of the US Green Berets to return to the USA to form the famous Delta Force (US Special Forces)." Like I say - the real deal. It is still in print and is easy to find.

This is a great tip for dealing with wet matches.

Tip 006 – Drying a wet match.

If your hair is dry and not greasy, roll a damp match in it. Static electricity will dry out the match.
— John "Lofty" Wiseman - SAS Survival Guide, 1986
Posted on November 12, 2012 and filed under Tips from the Archive.

Buddy Burner

Buddy Burner

Buddy Burner

I haven't made a buddy burner in a long time. In-fact the last time I made one I didn't even realize it had a proper name. The principle is extremely simple, it is a paraffin wax fueled burner with a large cardboard wick. I used to make mine in an old Kiwi Shoe Polish tin but any small metal can will do. I recently picked up a copy of "Roughing It Easy" by Dian Thomas, which jogged my memory about these great burners. She has excellent instructions for making your own.

Roughing It Easy

Roughing It Easy

Thomas suggests a tuna tin, her instructions are:

Cut a long strip of corrugated cardboard (across the corrugation so that its holes show) into strips which are the same width as the height of the tuna can. Roll the cardboard and place it in the can, then pour melted wax over the cardboard. Heat the wax in a double boiler because if it is overheated, it will burst into flames. The cardboard in the buddy burner serves as a wick, and the wax serves as a candle to provide the heat for the stove. A small wick can be in the corrugated cardboard for fast and easy lighting. It is also helpful to turn the can on its side so that the flame can spread along the cardboard more easily. Filled with wax it will burn for 1½-2 hours. To lengthen the time of the buddy burners use, place a chunk of wax on top of the corrugation while it is burning.
— Dian Thomas - Roughing It Easy, 1974

Thomas also constructs a stove from an upturned number-ten can; she places the burner inside it, punches smoke holes around the top edge and a door in the side to control the burner. The bottom of the can (now the upturned top) can then be used as a cooking surface. She also advises making a damper from the lid of the can attached to a coat hanger.

Buddy Burner

Buddy Burner

I made my stove as per her tuna tin instructions and used it with a Snow Peak titanium mug. The burner lit very easily and boiled 2 cups of water in about 15 minutes. I propped the mug on rocks and used aluminium foil as a wind shield. The burner worked well and it was cheap and easy to make. I have to admit it smelt odd and it sooted my cup to all hell, if I had the choice I would probably choose an alcohol or haxamine (ezbit) stove, but for a cheap, reliable alternative the buddy burner does fine.

If you come across "Roughing It Easy" pick it up. It's not too hard to come by and there is a lot of good stuff inside.

Posted on November 4, 2012 and filed under Classic Kit.

Tea Chronicles Pt.9 – Chris Yates

Chris Yates making the perfect bankside cup of tea

Chris Yates is one of the UK's most beloved anglers, he is a prolific writer, contributing to many fishing journals as well as publishing his own books. He is a major proponent of vintage gear and old fishing methods. His love for fishing, nature and the outdoors is infectious and his calm, level manner and slightly eccentric style have made him a real fishing character.

I always loved Chris the angler, but recently I found he was a tea lover as well, this puts him in the REAL hero category for me. Shown here is a little piece he did for about how to make the best riverside tea. He favors the Kelly Kettle an item he's championed for years. In "A Passion for Angling" it gets called out by name multiple times. He also chooses a loose leaf Ceylon blend  from Miles.

If you have not seen "A Passion for Angling" you are really missing out. For me, there is no other fishing program that capture the magic of fishing so vividly. There is no pretension or machismo it is just about the pure love of angling.

Posted on October 26, 2012 and filed under Tea.